
Create by: pottol 03/23/2016 - 14:41 | 0 Comments

Combinatorics is "The FIne Art of Counting". Coutnign what? Counting elements from one or more sets.

Fundamental Principle of Counting (Combinatorics)

If something can be chosen, or can happen, or be done, in n different ways, and, after that has happened, something else can be chosen in p different ways, then the number of ways of choosing both of them is n*p.

Create by: pottol 03/17/2016 - 16:14 | 0 Comments

According to official data about gas and oil extraction in the Mediterranean sea up to 12 mileages.

There are 48 active stations by 12 mileages from coast or protected areas.

Relevant results, coming from average value:

Create by: pottol 03/15/2016 - 11:59 | 0 Comments

Configure GMAIL on BlackBerry pre 

Blackberry phones and its Mail & Internet delivery Infrastructure were designed to push email to phone, explicitly.

All email (SMTP and IMAP) could be integrated in BlackBerry, through the use of RIM server. After 2012, Google requires an additional security issue for letting RIM (BIS) acceding Gmail: BlackBerry ID login.


Create by: pottol 03/11/2016 - 18:15 | 0 Comments

Institute for Personality and Ability Testing


The test, used by many companies (like IBM) for screening purposes(during the hiring phase), was composed by three sections, until 2011:

·         Number Sequences

·         Mathematical Reasoning

·         Data Matrices (From 2012 there is no more Data Matrices section)


The IBM online test is timed, with each question allocated its own time limit of 2.15 minutes.
