
Create by: pottol 01/26/2017 - 15:49 | 0 Comments

Tensegrity® è la versione moderna della via del navigatore—pratiche principi di supporto per trovare e viaggiare sul sentiero con un cuore—che don Juan Matus insegnò ai suoi quattro studenti: Carlos Castaneda, Florinda Donner-Grau, Taisha Abelar e Carol Tiggs. Don Juan era un indiano Yaqui veggente e capo di un gruppo di uomini e donne veggenti il cui lignaggio comincia nel Messico dei tempi antichi.

Create by: pottol 12/14/2016 - 11:57 | 0 Comments

5 element could be used as the main component for leading to success in life:
Wood (Learn) -> Fire (Social) -> Earth (Health) -> Metal (No Give-Up) -> Water (Life is Short).
Combined in Yin-Yang fashion lead to a Decalogue

Create by: pottol 12/01/2016 - 16:13 | 0 Comments
Essential Scrum is composed by 8 item rules (like Ba Gua).
Agile Enterprise  approaches as the 8 following rules:






Create by: pottol 11/24/2016 - 17:32 | 0 Comments
Hot Linking (Bandwidth Stealing) is a common cyber attack aimed at exhausting the bandwidth of the targeted victim.
The attacking clients link directly files (usually, images since these are bigger, so most useful for the goal) residing on the victim' site. 
